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Clarice (2021) podnapisi

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imdbA look at the personal story of FBI agent Clarice Starling, as she returns to the field about a year after the events of The Silence of the Lambs (1991).

Ocena filma: 6.6 / 10 (11528)

Letnik: #1 - #neuvrščene epizode

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Zasluge avtorju: -

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AKA: Clarice

Naziv filma # NaloženoOcena filma Latest
1. 5780426x 7.0
2. 5465243x 7.1
3. 4956111x 7.3
4. 5349030x 6.8
5. 4949248x 6.6
6. 4545685x 7.0
7. 4035251x 7.4
8. 3630743x 7.0
9. 4134845x 6.2
10. 3929820x 6.9
11. 3926581x 7.3
12. 3933001x 7.3
13. 3520247x 7.4
157x 6.6
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