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"Psych" He Dead altyazılar

Sezon: 4 - Bölüm: 2

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Yapım Detayları

imdbShawn and Gus arrive at the scene of a plane crash in time to find that the pilot wants the duo to avenge his death - and the two proceed to investigate the man's pretentiously wealthy family.

Film Puanı: 7.8 / 10 (1001)

Yönetmen: - -

Yazan: - -

Oyuncular: - - - -

Diğer adı: psych 301, He Dead, Psych, $#223;$#241;$#237;$#238;$#226;$#232;$#228;$#229;$#246;, Enquêteur malgré lui

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