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"Marco Polo" The Wayfarer S01E01 Ukrainase titra (2014) 1CD srt

Seria: 1 - Episodi: 1

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Rreth filmit:Rreth filmit @ http://www.imdb.com
Postera:Postera @ http://www.imdb.com
Te tjera:Linku yt ketu
Detajet e filmitAKA:Марко Поло (ukr), The Wayfarer (eng)
Vleresimi i filmit:7.3 / 10 (1902)
[ ] - A young Venetian, Marco is abandoned by his father for the merchant Silk Road in the hands of the Mongolian emperor, Kublai Khan, who is at war with China. Kublai recognizes Marco's observation skills, and teaches him the Mongolia...
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Hiq Reklamat
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