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"The Universe" Deep Space Disasters S03E01 Anglais sous-titres (2008) 1CD srt

Saison: 3 - Episode: 1

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Battlepack @
If you using VLC then to sync the subtitle make sure you set the subtitle delay to 1400 ms by pressing the "H" keyboard button!
The Universe sous-titres Anglais S03E01
Nom du rip#CD EnvoyéTéléchargéScore des sous-titresContributeur
The Universe-[Episode 1]Deep Space Disasters(WTC-SWE)1CD1478x 0.00
S3.dvdrip.wide.ffndvd1CD1227x 0.00
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Details du filmTitres alternatifs (AKAS):Deep Space Disasters (eng)
Note du film:7.4 / 10 (634)
[ ] - In space travel there is a saying that the first 50 miles and the last 50 miles are the most dangerous. Explore the controlled explosion of launch, the fiery crucible of reentry and everything in between. See how a single spark in...
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