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The Green Green Grass is a British sitcom, created and initially written by John Sullivan, produced by Shazam Productions for the BBC. It is a spin-off of the long running sitcom Only Fools and Horses and stars John Challis, Sue Holderness and Jack Doolan. Four series and three Christmas specials were originally broadcast on BBC One between 2005 and 2009. The series follows Boycie, his wife Marlene and their son Tyler after their sudden move from Peckham to escape the Driscoll brothers and their attempt to live in rural Shropshire. At the conclusion of the fourth series no further episodes were commissioned by the BBC, and in May 2009, the Daily Mirror newspaper reported the series had been cancelled after the fourth series was broadcast.
Movie rating: 6.6 / 10 (1202)
Season: #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #unclassified episodes
Directed by: John Sullivan
Writer credits: John Sullivan
Cast: John Challis - Sue Holderness - David Ross - Jack Doolan - Ivan Kaye
AKA: The Green Green Grass, Az otthon zöld füvén