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After hearing the truth of the sword from the Reaper, Eun Tak runs away from Shin. He looks everywhere he can think of but she is nowhere to be found.
Filmens bedømmelse: 8.5 / 10 (255)
Instrueret af: Eun-sook Kim
Forfatter: Eun-sook Kim
Medvirkende: Lee El - Yoo Gong - Go-eun Kim - Min-jae Kim - So-hyun Kim
Også Kendt Som: The Lonely, Shining Goblin, Goblin, Guardian: The Lonely and Great God, Goblin the great god, Goblin: The Lonely and Great God, He'll Vanish Forever from This World to Another, Dokkaebi, Sseul-sseul-ha-go cha-ran-ha-sin-do-ggae-bi